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Ce sceau des prêtresses de l'ordre des Madeleines

illumines mon être, corps, âme ,esprit.La Jérusalem Céleste, la tant aimée est enfin réunifiée.


Qu'il en soit ainsi

📿 Talismans

Why I propose to you the symbol of the seal of the order of the Madeleines in the mala

What is its symbolism?

The circle symbolizes protection, it is the sun ra the sacred breath activated by Isis

The 8th symbol of infinity, transmission to one's brothers and sisters of this divine breath, inner mystical nuptials, rediscovered unity.

The sword and the rose, the sword of Mary Magdalene does not wish to hurt but to cut in the truth of who we are

The rose is the symbol of the sacred feminine, of the cave of power that resides in every woman.

This seal of the priestesses of the Magdalen Order illuminates my being, body, soul, spirit.

The beloved Heavenly Jerusalem is finally reunited.

So be it

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